What an Egg’ Citing Month Ahead!

Langley 2-20130313-01211Hey Parents, just in case you haven’t had a moment to get your chicks……I mean ducks in a row, Easter is coming early this year!  That’s right, it lands on March 31st instead of the first weekend in April.

Each year we always take a family trip to Papa and Grammas’ house to celebrate Easter with the Aunties and Cousins.  It’s a big family affair and Papa always puts on a big Easter Egg hunt that keeps the kids occupied for hours. Somehow the Easter Bunny always knows to go to Papa’s house instead of our house. This might have something to do with the kids writing said bunny of Easter a lengthy and pointed letter each year to remind him of our Spring vacation plans and the change of venue.  Adding to the excitement are special touches like Mr. Bunny leaving a foot print trail around the house so the kids absolutely know that he’s been there. You try crinkling up your foot into the shape of a bunny paw…sheesh, the things we do to keep traditions alive. I am a bit concerned that my husband seems to be as shocked as the kids on the paw print trail and I may have to have a heart to heart discussion with him over the viability of human sized magical rabbits.

Seriously though…embrace Easter and make it fun fun fun. It’s a great time to celebrate Spring and all the wonderful renewal the mother earth goes through at this time of year.  Plants, flowers and baby animals are part of the season. One great tradition for us is the morning wake up to little hollow plastic eggs with secret notes inside scattered around the homestead. Open the egg and read a rhyme that tells the kids where to look for some seasonal presents.  The presents can be hidden anywhere from inside the dryer to outside in the backseat of the car. The adventure is more in the finding than the little trinkets that make up the booty.  A pack of Easter stickers or a bag of Kinder Mini Eggs is always a favorite.

To cap the day, decorating eggs at is always a fun activity for the whole family.  Kinder Surprise has come out with a fun Egg Decorating Kit that is handy and easy to use and works well for all ages.  My daughter loves to make tie-die eggs and then sprinkle glitter on them….the glitzier the better! From her perspective. If your short on ideas you can always visit the Kinder Easter Gallery and discover Kinder goodness to help provide you with thoughts on how to make your children’s Easter special.


Kinder Surprise is always putting on a fun “Shake and Win” contest on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/KinderCanada starting March 4th with 1,000 free Kinder® Mini Eggs coupons and 1,000 free Kinder® Surprise® 100g Egg coupons up for grabs over five straight weekdays!.

Also, if you visit the Kinder Surprise Facebook page who will be donating $1 to Children’s Miracle Network of Canada for every new friend of their Facebook Page from March 1st to 31st, up to $25,000.

Have a great Easter from us at Survival4Moms!

Disclosure: I’m part of the Kinder® Mom program and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.”