Mommy Wear

My kids are well dressed; their closets are well stocked; their outfits are coordinated; their clothes don’t have hanging threads and holes. Sadly the same cannot be said of my wardrobe.


From the day I left work on maternity leave 5 years ago my wardrobe has been on a slippery downward slope to stay-at-home-mom style. Stacy and Clinton would have a field day with me. I do set myself one rule: No leaving the house in sweat pants (at least not the baggy-bummed, bit too short, worn in at the knee variety reserved for my family’s pleasure). Other than that it’s free for all: grab the nearest pair of jeans and unstained/least stained top and dash – I am always running late and it’s obviously not because I’ve spent too much time preening myself.

I applaud any new moms who manage to stay smart and stylish. I have the standard excuses.

  1. No time to spend on myself.
  2. No time to shop for new clothes.
  3. I’m “comfortable”.
  4. It’s not worth bothering since any outfit will soon be smeared with mashed toddler biccy, snot, drool or spit-up.
  5. I’m waiting for someone to spot me and nominate me for “What Not to Wear”.

Unless you’re happy being a “momfortable” slob, as a new mom it’s important not to neglect yourself. Not taking time to smarten yourself up can quickly lead to the doldrums. If you look good you are more likely to feel good.

Comrades’ Recommendations

  • Take the opportunity to shower before hubby leaves for work – you may not get another chance in the day.
  • Do your hair and makeup as you are accustomed to.
  • And dress the best you can, given that Baby will always be one step ahead because although you’re intending to treat yourself at the mall today, cute babywear is just too hard to resist.

3 Responses

  1. That’s is so true about neglecting yourself for the sake of spending all your efforts on your little one. However, it wasn’t until my daughter recently told me that “I didn’t look like her mommy today” after I had showered and actually curled my hair instead of wearing my typical ponytail, that I decided to make an effort on myself as well as my children.

  2. Spotted this on Twitter – thought I’d share
    1st baby: You begin wearing maternity clothes as soon as your OBGYN confirms your pregnancy.
    2nd baby: You wear your regular clothes as long as possible.
    3rd baby: Your maternity clothes ARE you regular clothes.

  3. When I was at work I used to dress really slobby out of work hours, just to relax. When I left work to go on maternity leave I continued with the ‘I’m not at work I will dress slobby’. Until one day I thought, I’m not going back to work, so when am I going to dress nicely and then what can I wear that is casual but nice? So now I try to dress with flair everyday, I have to keep reminding myself that when I dress nice, I feel good and I have a better outlook to my day, even if all I do that day is go to the shop to buy milk.

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